ANC Calculator

Calculate ANC


The formula to calculate the absolute neutrophil count (ANC) is:

\[ \text{ANC} = 10 \times \text{WBC count} \times (\% \text{PMNs} + \% \text{Bands}) \]

Note: Assumes WBC count in 1,000s (i.e., x 10³ cells/µL, also equivalent to x 10³ cells/mm³).


WBC count: White blood cell count, measured in thousands of cells per microliter (x 10³ cells/µL).

% PMNs: Percentage of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (neutrophils) in the blood.

% Bands: Percentage of band cells (immature neutrophils) in the blood.

Example Calculations

Normal patient:

CBC shows WBC 9.2 (units are x 10³ cells/µL), 33% neutrophils, and 1% bands.

ANC = 10 x 9.2 x (33 + 1) = 3,128 cells/µL → normal, no neutropenia

Neutropenic patient:

CBC shows WBC 1.0 (units are x 10³ cells/µL), 11% neutrophils, and 5% bands.

ANC = 10 x 1 x (11 + 5) = 160 cells/µL → severe neutropenia

Conversion Chart

ANC (cells/µL) Classification
> 1,500 Normal
1,000 - 1,500 Mild Neutropenia
500 - 999 Moderate Neutropenia
< 500 Severe Neutropenia
> 7,700 Neutrophilia