Absence Rate Calculator

Calculate Absence Rate (ABR)


The formula to calculate the absence rate (ABR) is:

\[ ABR = \frac{DM}{TD} \times 100 \]



Let's say the number of days missed (\( DM \)) is 5 and the number of possible days to be attended (\( TD \)) is 200. Using the formula:

\[ ABR = \frac{5}{200} \times 100 \]

We get:

\[ ABR = 0.025 \times 100 = 2.5 \]

So, the absence rate (\( ABR \)) is 2.5%.

What is an Absence Rate?

The absence rate is a measure of the percentage of days missed out of the total possible days to be attended. It is often used in educational and workplace settings to track attendance and identify patterns of absenteeism. A lower absence rate indicates better attendance, while a higher absence rate may signal issues that need to be addressed.