Body Fat Percentage for Female Calculator

Calculate Body Fat Percentage for Female


The formula to calculate the Body Fat Percentage for Female is:

\[ \text{Body Fat Percentage for Female} = (1.2 \times \text{BMI in Metric Units}) + (0.23 \times \text{Age}) - 5.4 \]


Body Fat Percentage for Female Definition

The body fat percentage (BFP) for female is the total percentage of fat present in the body.

Example Calculation

Let's assume the following values:

Using the formula:

\[ \text{Body Fat Percentage for Female} = (1.2 \times 20) + (0.23 \times 32) - 5.4 \]


\[ \text{Body Fat Percentage for Female} = 24 + 7.36 - 5.4 \]

\[ \text{Body Fat Percentage for Female} = 25.96 \]

The Body Fat Percentage for Female is 25.96%.

Body Fat Percentage for Female Conversion Table

BMI in Metric Units (kg/m²) Age Body Fat Percentage for Female (%)
18 20 20.800000000000
18 25 21.950000000000
18 30 23.100000000000
18 35 24.250000000000
18 40 25.400000000000
19 20 22.000000000000
19 25 23.150000000000
19 30 24.300000000000
19 35 25.450000000000
19 40 26.600000000000
20 20 23.200000000000
20 25 24.350000000000
20 30 25.500000000000
20 35 26.650000000000
20 40 27.800000000000
21 20 24.400000000000
21 25 25.550000000000
21 30 26.700000000000
21 35 27.850000000000
21 40 29.000000000000
22 20 25.600000000000
22 25 26.750000000000
22 30 27.900000000000
22 35 29.050000000000
22 40 30.200000000000
23 20 26.800000000000
23 25 27.950000000000
23 30 29.100000000000
23 35 30.250000000000
23 40 31.400000000000
24 20 28.000000000000
24 25 29.150000000000
24 30 30.300000000000
24 35 31.450000000000
24 40 32.600000000000
25 20 29.200000000000
25 25 30.350000000000
25 30 31.500000000000
25 35 32.650000000000
25 40 33.800000000000