Change in Freezing Point Calculator

Calculate Change in Freezing Point (ΔT_f)


The formula to calculate the Change in Freezing Point (ΔT_f) is:

\[ ΔT_f = K_f \cdot m \cdot i \]



Let's say the freezing point depression constant (\( K_f \)) is 1.86 °C·kg/mol, the molality (\( m \)) is 0.5 mol/kg, and the Van’t Hoff factor (\( i \)) is 2. Using the formula:

\[ ΔT_f = 1.86 \cdot 0.5 \cdot 2 \]

We get:

\[ ΔT_f = 1.86 \]

So, the Change in Freezing Point (\( ΔT_f \)) is 1.86 °C.

What is Change in Freezing Point?

The change in freezing point, also known as freezing point depression, is a colligative property observed in solutions. It refers to the decrease in the freezing point of a solvent when a solute is dissolved in it. This phenomenon occurs because the presence of solute particles disrupts the formation of the solid phase, requiring a lower temperature to achieve the same state. The extent of freezing point depression depends on the concentration of the solute particles and the nature of the solvent.