Degree to Percent Slope Calculator

Calculate Percent Slope from Degrees


The formula to calculate the percent slope from degrees is:

\[ \text{Percent Slope} = \tan(\text{slope (degrees)}) \times 100 \]


The percent slope is the tangent of the slope angle in degrees, multiplied by 100. This value represents the vertical rise or fall per 100 units of horizontal distance.

Example Calculation

Let's assume the following value:

Using the formula:

\[ \text{Percent Slope} = \tan(6°) \times 100 = 10.51 \% \]

Conversion Chart

Slope (Degrees) Percent Slope
0 ° 0.00 %
5 ° 8.75 %
10 ° 17.63 %
15 ° 26.79 %
20 ° 36.40 %
25 ° 46.63 %
30 ° 57.74 %
35 ° 70.02 %
40 ° 83.91 %
45 ° 100.00 %