Feet to MPH Calculator

Convert Feet per Second to Miles per Hour


The formula to convert feet per second to miles per hour is:

\[ MPH = FT/S \times 0.681818 \]


What is Feet to MPH?

Feet to MPH (Miles per Hour) is a conversion factor used to convert a speed or velocity measurement from feet per second (ft/s) to miles per hour (mph). This is commonly used in physics and engineering to express the speed of an object or vehicle in different units. The conversion factor is approximately 0.681818, meaning that to convert from feet per second to miles per hour, you multiply the speed in ft/s by 0.681818.


Let's say you have a speed of 30 feet per second. Using the formula:

\[ MPH = 30 \times 0.681818 \]

We get:

\[ MPH = 20.45 \text{ mph} \]

So, the speed is 20.45 miles per hour.