To convert parts per thousand (ppt) to milligrams per liter (mg/L):
\[ mg/L = ppt \times \text{Density} \times 1000 \]
Parts per thousand (ppt) is a unit of measure used to describe the concentration of a substance in a solution. It represents the number of parts of a substance in a thousand parts of the total solution. It is commonly used in fields such as oceanography and chemistry to express salinity or other substance concentrations.
Let's assume the following values:
Using the formula:
\[ mg/L = 35 \times 1.025 \times 1000 = 35875 \]
The concentration is 35875 mg/L.
Let's assume the following values:
Using the formula:
\[ mg/L = 10 \times 1.000 \times 1000 = 10000 \]
The concentration is 10000 mg/L.