Path Difference for Minima in YDSE Calculator

Calculate Path Difference for Minima


The formula to calculate the Path Difference for Minima is:

\[ \Delta x_{min} = \left(2n + 1\right) \frac{\lambda}{2} \]



Path Difference for Minima is the difference in path lengths of two waves that results in destructive interference and forms a minima in an interference pattern.

Example Calculation

Let's assume the following values:

Using the formula:

\[ \Delta x_{min} = \left(2 \cdot 5 + 1\right) \frac{0.268}{2} \]


\[ \Delta x_{min} = 1.474 \text{ m} \]

The Path Difference for Minima is 1.474 m.

Conversion Chart

Integer (n) Wavelength (m) Path Difference for Minima (m)
1 0.268 0.402000000000
2 0.268 0.670000000000
3 0.268 0.938000000000
4 0.268 1.206000000000
5 0.268 1.474000000000
6 0.268 1.742000000000
7 0.268 2.010000000000
8 0.268 2.278000000000
9 0.268 2.546000000000
10 0.268 2.814000000000