Power Factor given Power Factor Angle Calculator

Calculate Power Factor


The formula to calculate the Power Factor is:

\[ \cos(\Phi) = \cos(\Phi) \]



Power Factor is defined as the ratio of the actual electrical power dissipated by an AC circuit to the product of the r.m.s. values of current and voltage.

Example Calculation

Let's assume the following value:

Using the formula:

\[ \cos(\Phi) = \cos(0.5235987755982) \]


\[ \cos(\Phi) = 0.866025403784439 \]

The Power Factor is 0.866025403784439.

Conversion Chart

Phase Difference (rad) Power Factor
0.1 0.995004165278
0.2 0.980066577841
0.3 0.955336489126
0.4 0.921060994003
0.5 0.877582561890
0.6 0.825335614910
0.7 0.764842187284
0.8 0.696706709347
0.9 0.621609968271
1 0.540302305868