Power given Electric Current and Resistance Calculator

Calculate Power given Electric Current and Resistance


The formula to calculate Power (P) is:

\[ P = I^2 \cdot R \]



Power is the rate at which electric energy is transferred or converted, typically measured in watts, and is a fundamental concept in electric circuits.

Electric Current is the flow of electrons in a conductor, measured in amperes, and is a fundamental concept in understanding electrical circuits and devices.

Electric resistance is the opposition to the flow of an electric current and is measured in ohms, representing how much a material hinders electric current flow.

How to calculate Power given Electric Current and Resistance

Let's assume the following values:

Using the formula:

\[ P = I^2 \cdot R \]


\[ P = 2.1^2 \cdot 15 \]

The Power is 66.15 W.

Power Conversion Chart

Electric Current (I) Electric Resistance (R) Power (P)
2 14 56.000000000000000
2 14.5 58.000000000000000
2 15 60.000000000000000
2 15.5 62.000000000000000
2 16 64.000000000000000
2.01 14 56.561399999999985
2.01 14.5 58.581449999999982
2.01 15 60.601499999999987
2.01 15.5 62.621549999999985
2.01 16 64.641599999999983
2.02 14 57.125599999999977
2.02 14.5 59.165799999999976
2.02 15 61.205999999999975
2.02 15.5 63.246199999999973
2.02 16 65.286399999999972
2.03 14 57.692599999999956
2.03 14.5 59.753049999999959
2.03 15 61.813499999999955
2.03 15.5 63.873949999999958
2.03 16 65.934399999999954
2.04 14 58.262399999999950
2.04 14.5 60.343199999999946
2.04 15 62.423999999999950
2.04 15.5 64.504799999999946
2.04 16 66.585599999999943
2.05 14 58.834999999999937
2.05 14.5 60.936249999999930
2.05 15 63.037499999999930
2.05 15.5 65.138749999999931
2.05 16 67.239999999999924
2.06 14 59.410399999999925
2.06 14.5 61.532199999999918
2.06 15 63.653999999999918
2.06 15.5 65.775799999999919
2.06 16 67.897599999999912
2.07 14 59.988599999999920
2.07 14.5 62.131049999999917
2.07 15 64.273499999999913
2.07 15.5 66.415949999999910
2.07 16 68.558399999999907
2.08 14 60.569599999999895
2.08 14.5 62.732799999999891
2.08 15 64.895999999999887
2.08 15.5 67.059199999999890
2.08 16 69.222399999999880
2.09 14 61.153399999999891
2.09 14.5 63.337449999999883
2.09 15 65.521499999999875
2.09 15.5 67.705549999999874
2.09 16 69.889599999999874
2.1 14 61.739999999999881
2.1 14.5 63.944999999999872
2.1 15 66.149999999999864
2.1 15.5 68.354999999999862
2.1 16 70.559999999999860
2.11 14 62.329399999999858
2.11 14.5 64.555449999999851
2.11 15 66.781499999999852
2.11 15.5 69.007549999999839
2.11 16 71.233599999999839
2.12 14 62.921599999999849
2.12 14.5 65.168799999999848
2.12 15 67.415999999999840
2.12 15.5 69.663199999999833
2.12 16 71.910399999999825
2.13 14 63.516599999999841
2.13 14.5 65.785049999999842
2.13 15 68.053499999999829
2.13 15.5 70.321949999999816
2.13 16 72.590399999999818
2.14 14 64.114399999999819
2.14 14.5 66.404199999999804
2.14 15 68.693999999999804
2.14 15.5 70.983799999999789
2.14 16 73.273599999999789
2.15 14 64.714999999999804
2.15 14.5 67.026249999999806
2.15 15 69.337499999999793
2.15 15.5 71.648749999999794
2.15 16 73.959999999999781
2.16 14 65.318399999999798
2.16 14.5 67.651199999999790
2.16 15 69.983999999999781
2.16 15.5 72.316799999999773
2.16 16 74.649599999999765
2.17 14 65.924599999999771
2.17 14.5 68.279049999999771
2.17 15 70.633499999999756
2.17 15.5 72.987949999999756
2.17 16 75.342399999999742
2.18 14 66.533599999999765
2.18 14.5 68.909799999999748
2.18 15 71.285999999999746
2.18 15.5 73.662199999999729
2.18 16 76.038399999999726
2.19 14 67.145399999999754
2.19 14.5 69.543449999999737
2.19 15 71.941499999999735
2.19 15.5 74.339549999999718
2.19 16 76.737599999999716
2.2 14 67.759999999999735
2.2 14.5 70.179999999999723
2.2 15 72.599999999999724
2.2 15.5 75.019999999999712
2.2 16 77.439999999999699