Reverse Percentage Calculator

Calculate Reverse Percentage


The formula to calculate the Reverse Percentage is:

\[ \text{Reverse Percentage} = \frac{\text{Value}}{\left(\frac{\text{Percentage}}{100}\right)} \]


Reverse Percentage Definition

Percentages are numbers that are expressed as fractions. They are denoted by the symbol %. These numbers have no units and are therefore dimensionless. For example, the percentage of 25% is equal to a fraction of 1/4 and can be written as 0.25. To calculate a reverse percentage, divide the value by the decimal form of the percentage value.

Example Calculation

Let's assume the following values:

Using the formula to calculate the Reverse Percentage:

\[ \text{Reverse Percentage} = \frac{50}{\left(\frac{25}{100}\right)} = 200 \]

The Reverse Percentage is 200.