Torque Required to Overcome Friction between Screw and Nut Calculator

Calculate Torque Required to Overcome Friction


The formula to calculate the Total Torque is:

\[ T = W_{\text{load}} \cdot \tan(\psi + \Phi) \cdot \frac{d}{2} \]


Total Torque is the measure of the force that can cause an object to rotate about an axis. Load is the weight of body lifted by screw jack. Helix Angle is the angle between any helix and an axial line on its right, circular cylinder, or cone. The Limiting Angle of Friction is defined as the angle which the resultant reaction (R) makes with the normal reaction (RN). Mean diameter of Screw is the distance from the outer thread on one side to the outer thread on the other side.

Example Calculation

Let's assume the following values:

Using the formula:

\[ T = 53 \cdot \tan(0.4363323129985 + 0.21816615649925) \cdot \frac{0.06}{2} = 1.22004991088624 \text{ Nm} \]

Conversion Chart

Load (Wload) Helix Angle (ψ) Limiting Angle of Friction (Φ) Mean Diameter of Screw (d) Total Torque (T)
50 N 0.4363323129985 rad 0.21816615649925 rad 0.06 m 1.150990481968 Nm
52 N 0.4363323129985 rad 0.21816615649925 rad 0.06 m 1.197030101247 Nm
54 N 0.4363323129985 rad 0.21816615649925 rad 0.06 m 1.243069720526 Nm
56 N 0.4363323129985 rad 0.21816615649925 rad 0.06 m 1.289109339804 Nm
58 N 0.4363323129985 rad 0.21816615649925 rad 0.06 m 1.335148959083 Nm
60 N 0.4363323129985 rad 0.21816615649925 rad 0.06 m 1.381188578362 Nm