Words Correct Per Minute (WCPM) Calculator

Calculate Words Correct Per Minute


The formula to calculate the Words Correct Per Minute (WCPM) is:

\[ \text{WCPM} = \frac{\text{TW} - \text{M}}{\text{T}} \]


The formula for the time can be further broken down into:

\[ \text{T} = m + \frac{S}{60} \]


What is WCPM?

Words Correct Per Minute (WCPM) is a metric used in teaching to understand the reading comprehension of students. It measures the number of words a student reads correctly in one minute, accounting for both speed and accuracy.

Example Calculation

Let's assume the following values:

Using the formula:

\[ \text{T} = 1 + \frac{30}{60} = 1.5 \text{ minutes} \] \[ \text{WCPM} = \frac{100 - 5}{1.5} \approx 63.33 \]

The Words Correct Per Minute (WCPM) is approximately 63.33 words per minute.