Amp to HP Calculator

Calculate HP


The formula to calculate the Horsepower (HP) from Current (I), Voltage (V), Efficiency, and Power Factor (PF) is:

For DC circuits:

\[ HP = \frac{I \times V \times \left(\frac{Efficiency}{100}\right)}{746} \]

For 1 phase AC circuits:

\[ HP = \frac{I \times V \times \left(\frac{Efficiency}{100}\right) \times PF}{746} \]

For 3 phase AC circuits:

\[ HP = \frac{I \times V \times \sqrt{3} \times \left(\frac{Efficiency}{100}\right) \times PF}{746} \]



Horsepower (HP) is a unit of measurement of power, or the rate at which work is done.

Current (I) is the flow of electric charge.

Voltage (V) is the electric potential difference between two points.

Efficiency is the ratio of the useful output of a system to the input, expressed as a percentage.

Power Factor (PF) is the ratio of the real power used to do work to the apparent power flowing to the circuit (for AC circuits).

How to calculate Horsepower from Current, Voltage, Efficiency, and Power Factor

Let's assume the following values:

Using the formula for 1 phase AC circuits:

\[ HP = \frac{10 \times 230 \times \left(\frac{90}{100}\right) \times 0.8}{746} \]


\[ HP = \frac{10 \times 230 \times 0.9 \times 0.8}{746} \approx 2.217 \]

The Horsepower is approximately 2.217 HP.

Conversion Chart

Current (I) (A) Voltage (V) Efficiency (%) Power Factor (PF) Horsepower (HP)
10 230 80 0.8 2.4665
10 230 80 0.8 1.9732
10 230 80 0.8 3.4177
10 230 80 0.9 2.4665
10 230 80 0.9 2.2198
10 230 80 0.9 3.8449
10 230 90 0.8 2.7748
10 230 90 0.8 2.2198
10 230 90 0.8 3.8449
10 230 90 0.9 2.7748
10 230 90 0.9 2.4973
10 230 90 0.9 4.3255
10 400 80 0.8 4.2895
10 400 80 0.8 3.4316
10 400 80 0.8 5.9438
10 400 80 0.9 4.2895
10 400 80 0.9 3.8606
10 400 80 0.9 6.6867
10 400 90 0.8 4.8257
10 400 90 0.8 3.8606
10 400 90 0.8 6.6867
10 400 90 0.9 4.8257
10 400 90 0.9 4.3432
10 400 90 0.9 7.5226
20 230 80 0.8 4.9330
20 230 80 0.8 3.9464
20 230 80 0.8 6.8353
20 230 80 0.9 4.9330
20 230 80 0.9 4.4397
20 230 80 0.9 7.6897
20 230 90 0.8 5.5496
20 230 90 0.8 4.4397
20 230 90 0.8 7.6897
20 230 90 0.9 5.5496
20 230 90 0.9 4.9946
20 230 90 0.9 8.6510
20 400 80 0.8 8.5791
20 400 80 0.8 6.8633
20 400 80 0.8 11.8875
20 400 80 0.9 8.5791
20 400 80 0.9 7.7212
20 400 80 0.9 13.3735
20 400 90 0.8 9.6515
20 400 90 0.8 7.7212
20 400 90 0.8 13.3735
20 400 90 0.9 9.6515
20 400 90 0.9 8.6863
20 400 90 0.9 15.0452
30 230 80 0.8 7.3995
30 230 80 0.8 5.9196
30 230 80 0.8 10.2530
30 230 80 0.9 7.3995
30 230 80 0.9 6.6595
30 230 80 0.9 11.5346
30 230 90 0.8 8.3244
30 230 90 0.8 6.6595
30 230 90 0.8 11.5346
30 230 90 0.9 8.3244
30 230 90 0.9 7.4920
30 230 90 0.9 12.9765
30 400 80 0.8 12.8686
30 400 80 0.8 10.2949
30 400 80 0.8 17.8313
30 400 80 0.9 12.8686
30 400 80 0.9 11.5818
30 400 80 0.9 20.0602
30 400 90 0.8 14.4772
30 400 90 0.8 11.5818
30 400 90 0.8 20.0602
30 400 90 0.9 14.4772
30 400 90 0.9 13.0295
30 400 90 0.9 22.5677