Angle of Contact for Cross Belt Drive Calculator

Calculate Angle of Contact


The formula to calculate the Angle of Contact for a Cross Belt Drive is:

\[ \theta_{contact} = \frac{180 \cdot \pi}{180} + 2 \cdot \alpha \]



The Angle of Contact is the angle subtended by the belt on the pulley.

Example Calculation

Let's assume the following value:

Using the formula:

\[ \theta_{contact} = \frac{180 \cdot \pi}{180} + 2 \cdot 0.523 \]


\[ \theta_{contact} = 4.18759265358979 \text{ rad} \]

The Angle of Contact for the Cross Belt Drive is 4.18759265358979 rad.

Conversion Chart

Angle made by Belt with Vertical Axis (rad) Angle of Contact (rad)
0.1 3.341592653590
0.2 3.541592653590
0.3 3.741592653590
0.4 3.941592653590
0.5 4.141592653590
0.6 4.341592653590
0.7 4.541592653590
0.8 4.741592653590
0.9 4.941592653590
1 5.141592653590