BMI in Metric Units Calculator

Calculate BMI in Metric Units


The formula to calculate BMI in metric units is:

\[ \text{BMI} = \frac{\text{Weight}}{\text{Height}^2} \]


BMI Definition

BMI (Body Mass Index) in metric units is a measurement of your body weight based on your height and weight in metric units.

Example Calculation

Let's assume the following values:

Using the formula:

\[ \text{BMI} = \frac{55}{1.7^2} \]


\[ \text{BMI} = \frac{55}{2.89} \]

\[ \text{BMI} = 19.0311418685121 \]

The BMI is 19.0311418685121 kg/m².

BMI Conversion Table

Weight (kg) Height (m) BMI (kg/m²)
50 1.5 22.222222222222
50 1.6 19.531250000000
50 1.7 17.301038062284
60 1.5 26.666666666667
60 1.6 23.437500000000
60 1.7 20.761245674741
70 1.5 31.111111111111
70 1.6 27.343750000000
70 1.7 24.221453287197
80 1.5 35.555555555556
80 1.6 31.250000000000
80 1.7 27.681660899654
90 1.5 40.000000000000
90 1.6 35.156250000000
90 1.7 31.141868512111
100 1.5 44.444444444444
100 1.6 39.062500000000
100 1.7 34.602076124568