DART Rate Calculator

Calculate DART Rate (DR)


The formula to calculate the DART rate (DR) is:

\[ DR = \frac{RIdart \times 200,000}{EHW} \]


DART Rate Definition

DART stands for Days Away, Restricted, or Transferred. A DART rate is the rate at which injuries occur that result in any one of those in DART. In other words, the DART incidences per employee hours worked.

Example Problem

For example, if there were 5 recorded injuries or illnesses (RIdart) and the total employee hours worked (EHW) were 500,000, the DART rate (DR) can be calculated as follows:

\[ DR = \frac{5 \times 200,000}{500,000} = 2 \]

So, the DART rate in this example is 2.