PV of Perpetuity Calculator

Calculate PV of Perpetuity


The formula to calculate the PV of Perpetuity (PVp) is:

\[ PVp = \frac{D}{DR} \]



PV of Perpetuity is the present value of a constant stream of identical cash flows with no end.

Dividend is a distribution of a portion of a company's earnings, decided by the board of directors, to a class of its shareholders.

Discount Rate is the interest rate charged to commercial banks and other depository institutions for loans received from the Federal Reserve Bank’s discount window.

How to calculate the PV of Perpetuity

Let's assume the following values:

Using the formula:

\[ PVp = \frac{D}{DR} \]


\[ PVp = \frac{35}{0.12} \]

The PV of Perpetuity is 291.666666666667.

PV of Perpetuity Conversion Chart

Dividend Discount Rate PV of Perpetuity
30 10% 300.000000000000000
30 11% 272.727272727272748
30 12% 250.000000000000000
30 13% 230.769230769230774
30 14% 214.285714285714278
30 15% 200.000000000000000
31 10% 310.000000000000000
31 11% 281.818181818181813
31 12% 258.333333333333371
31 13% 238.461538461538453
31 14% 221.428571428571416
31 15% 206.666666666666686
32 10% 320.000000000000000
32 11% 290.909090909090935
32 12% 266.666666666666686
32 13% 246.153846153846132
32 14% 228.571428571428555
32 15% 213.333333333333343
33 10% 330.000000000000000
33 11% 300.000000000000000
33 12% 275.000000000000000
33 13% 253.846153846153840
33 14% 235.714285714285694
33 15% 220.000000000000000
34 10% 340.000000000000000
34 11% 309.090909090909065
34 12% 283.333333333333371
34 13% 261.538461538461547
34 14% 242.857142857142833
34 15% 226.666666666666686
35 10% 350.000000000000000
35 11% 318.181818181818187
35 12% 291.666666666666686
35 13% 269.230769230769226
35 14% 249.999999999999972
35 15% 233.333333333333343
36 10% 360.000000000000000
36 11% 327.272727272727252
36 12% 300.000000000000000
36 13% 276.923076923076906
36 14% 257.142857142857110
36 15% 240.000000000000000
37 10% 370.000000000000000
37 11% 336.363636363636374
37 12% 308.333333333333371
37 13% 284.615384615384585
37 14% 264.285714285714278
37 15% 246.666666666666686
38 10% 380.000000000000000
38 11% 345.454545454545439
38 12% 316.666666666666686
38 13% 292.307692307692321
38 14% 271.428571428571388
38 15% 253.333333333333343
39 10% 390.000000000000000
39 11% 354.545454545454561
39 12% 325.000000000000000
39 13% 300.000000000000000
39 14% 278.571428571428555
39 15% 260.000000000000000
40 10% 400.000000000000000
40 11% 363.636363636363626
40 12% 333.333333333333371
40 13% 307.692307692307679
40 14% 285.714285714285666
40 15% 266.666666666666686